The Shetland Tweed Company - Andy Ross


“I moved to Shetland in 2001 and have been weaving since 2005. The longer I have lived in Shetland the more I have fallen in love with the land and its life. Now I design and weave cloths which reflect the woven heritage of the isles, continuing a craft which has been carried on here for millennia. My fabrics are based on tweeds, updating the traditional with a proud acknowledgment of the past”

Andy Ross’s inspiration for the fabrics he makes comes from his home in the Shetland Isles. The colour of the sea alters constantly beneath an ever-changing sky, and the land shows the passage

of seasons in deep colours. It is from this ever-changing palette that he chooses his colours for weaving the limited edition woollen fabrics that he designs.

On the Island of Yell, where he continues a fine tradition of weaving which has been a part of everyday life in Shetland for centuries, he can look out at the ocean and peat-covered hills for constantly evolving ideas. He is proud to present unique cloths for interiors using the magical colours of land, sea and sky.

Ross Holden